What you'll do is create a hyperlink to an anchor, the anchor being the destination. It's a two step process:
First, open the Hyperlink panel. Then:
1. Create the Text Anchor:
Select the text that will be your anchor
Go to the Hyperlinks panel and pull down the options menu.
Choose New Hyperlink Destination > Text Anchor
2. Create the Hyperlink:
Select the text or graphic that will be hyperlinked
Go to the Hyperlinks panel and pull down the options menu.
Choose New Hyperlink > Link to Text Anchor
Specify Destination, Style and Appearance
I figured this out using Adobe CS4 so the exact menu wording may differ a little from CS5 that we have in lab. For further clarification, dig into the online help for Interactive Documents for CS5.5 at
and read the section on Hyperlinks.